Jul 30Liked by Chris Jesu Lee

That's it. After years of hearing "the left can't meme" (they consider themselves left, natch) they are finally having their moment. Here's something though: if we can easily forget an assassination attempt, how much quicker an astroturf meme campaign.

I still feel she might win, but I feel this has more to do with 3 things: JD Vance getting dunked on daily; RFK siphoning MAGA votes; Trump truly not being the same since Butler. Mean and vindictive, yes, but his sharpness has dropped. Understandably, but that was his calling card.

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Yes, the speed at which we've already forgotten Trump's assassination attempt should be a warning that anything can happen, then another, then another.

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Jul 30Liked by Chris Jesu Lee

I don't know -- my take is that these memes and commentary on the memes and commentary on the commentary on the memes (and so on) aren't likely to do much of anything other than generate clicks and ad revenue. They exist in a vacuum, and won't win the election or lose it. They also aren't evidence that Kamala's team is screwing up, unless someone (like FDB) thinks that memes are all she's doing. But FDB only thinks that because he's way too internet brained (in that all is his writing is just commentary on commentary).

If Kamala actually was just running for "queen of the internet" or whatever FDB claimed, she wouldn't have wrapped up the nomination so quickly and decisively. She did that by gaining real influence and making phone calls, not memes.

In other words -- memes happen, they always will. But don't take that to be evidence of anything else.

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My commentary was less on Kamala's political team and more about the cultural excitement over her candidacy: are they more excited about politics and the increased chances of defeating Trump or are they more gleeful at finally being cool on the internet?

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I think it’s absolutely the first one (which is probably a prerequisite for the second).

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Jul 30Liked by Chris Jesu Lee

Somewhere, sometime, maybe it was 2015, maybe it was long before, everything became the ironic parody first. God help us all (said the agnostic).

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Jul 30Liked by Chris Jesu Lee

So about that New York Magazine cover... first of all, the only honest reaction: it burns!! It burns!!! Aaaaagh.

But other than that, what stands out to me there is that Kamala - or that uncanny caricature version of her, anyway - is in a skirt!! What was the last time Kamala Harris wore a skirt in public? 2005?? She does not dress like that - every single one of her five trillion pantsuits is giving Roblox. Nothing wrong with that, really, but her wardrobe is dorky because *she* is dorky, and this "Brat Girl Summer!" persona being foisted upon us by the internet is comically out of touch with Kamala Harris's underlying dork essence. I think this essay offers an explanation, which is that this is a comical overcorrection from the perception of Hillary Clinton as a technocrat, a wonk, an IRL Leslie Knope, etc. - naaah, man, Kamala is dropping acid at the club! Yeet! LOL.

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I'm gonna have to take your word for it regarding Kamala's typical fashion, but now that you say it, there is something that's off. But it might also be because that whole cover appears to have been finely honed to be as annoying as possible.

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