Wow, this was excellent. "I'm a fan" is definitely my next read. Thanks!

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Would love to get your take on it

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I make no subjective, defamatory judgements about the Chinese Emperor Xi Jinping, I have a rather Zen mind about a lot of things. China has always been an empire, it has an elective emperor selected by mandarins and potentates, like the old Mongolian Khanate.

The vast majority of Chinese are Buddhists . . . The founder of the Yuan dynasty was Kublai Khan, who ordered all Buddhist temples in China to be led by the Shaolin Temple . . . eight princes during the Ming dynasty converted to Shaolin . . . China was primarily a Buddhist nation until the Mao Dynasty . . . Falun Gong is repressed because it is an offshoot of Shaolin Buddhism (they use a swastika as their icon).

Information overload, as you would call it, is more like propaganda overload . . . all men are born of a woman, evolution is heterosexual . . . no matter your race or culture . . . The Mongols and the Chinese most certainly had strict rules about their monarchical succession and how their posterity was managed.

Monogamy in the West is an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to establish vicarious liabilities in our secular laws, to control monarchical successions, and to establish ecclesiastical control over white female procreativity and individual white male posterity.

The older pagan sexual mores were much more conducive to the health of Nordic-Scandinavian societies and much more supportive of women than those of the Jewish god Yahweh, the locust master who drowned the world and demanded that a witch be burned alive, or an adulteress is stoned to death.

All of this destructive Jewish propaganda in Hollywood and destructive Jewish religious practices brought to the West via Christianity arose from their desire to destroy the white race . . . this is something the Mongols and the Chinese emperors understood . . . the missionaries were preaching sedition . . . against their sovereignty and against their race.

The teaching that matrimony is a sacrament gives to the clergy power to judge the lawfulness of marriages; and thereby, of what children are legitimate; and consequently, and determine the right of succession to hereditary kingdoms. The denial of marriage to priests assures this power of the Pope over kings. For if a king is a priest, he cannot marry and transmit his kingdom to his posterity; if he is not a priest, then the Pope pretends this ecclesiastic authority over him, and over his people . . . The Empires of Far Eastern antiquity were far more advanced than their Western counterparts in this respect.

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I am sure that Sheena Patel is a talented writer and that I’m A Fan is a great read. I just wish so much of modern Western literature did not display William Shakespeare’s shortcoming in characterisation (i.e. it is being great at portraying humanity’s failings, and not so adept at showing its strengths). Also, not to criticise I’m A Fan specifically, but literature with Non-White female protagonists has to stop revolving around their romantic and sexual entanglements or their desire for entanglements with White men. It is not representative of the lives of the majority of Non-White women in the West. The majority of Black, Latino, Indigenous, Middle Eastern, South Asian, East Asian women have not and will not have sexual or romantic relations with White men… and they are fine with that. You can lead a happy, interesting, successful life in the West without ever dating and/or having sex a White man, but you would not know that from 85% of the Own Voices/diversity literature which has been published over the last twenty years. And yes, though rates of interracial dating and marriage are going up, a) most people still date and marry within their own race and ethnicity, and b) many interracial relationships do not involve a White person. As many Western urban centres become more diverse and many young people grow up within that diversity, the segment of Non-White women and men deliberately seeking a White partner is going to diminish. Even the tendency of my own demographic (East Asian women) to seek validation through exclusive sexual intercourse with White men has dipped considerably from its regrettably high peak in the 2000s. Young millennials and Gen Z Asians seem to possess a level of self acceptance and confidence that my generation (Gen X) could only envy in our White peers or in more ebullient minority groups. In general most young people (Gen Z & Gen A) seem committed to flattening racial hierarchies rather than to celebrating the ascension of certain exceptional (or exceptionally determined) individuals up its rungs - especially if these individuals are deliberately trying to hump their way up said hierarchy. It’s middle aged, Liberal women who weirdly venerate interracial relationships, especially between a high status Non-White woman and a White man. They worship Zendaya and Tom Holland’s relationship as though it is the harbinger of a new age of Peace & Love. Meanwhile young people are like: “Hey, great, be happy.”

This seemingly de rigueur coupling of Non-White women with White men is going to seriously date a lot of these narratives, possibly within the span of a decade. We are not living in the White ruled world any more. China’s Century began 25 years ago. An entire generation has been born and come of age in a new era of humanity, one not ruled by the Western Europeans and their descendents. The world is and will be increasingly multi-polar (a la BRICS) with more power flowing to the East and to the Southern continents with each passing year. It will not be a perfect world and it will not be a monstrous one. China will make some terrible mistakes and many stupid blunders along the way, but it is not going to implode and disintegrate like the cartoon villain in a blockbuster movie, nor will any of the other regional powers. In the coming centuries global power will be multi-racial, multicultural and multi-regional. Therefore the national and global status of all the non-White races will grow vis-a-vis that of White people, with the most dramatic increases being among the chief victims of White global domination. The permanent, systemic erosion of White, Western hegemony is our current reality. It is why Donald Trump was elected, and it is why the Western ruling class will never forgive him for being elected.

Non-White people will still fall in love with White people in the future, but only because of their personal attributes - what nature gave them and what they chose to do with it. The current literary deluge of narratives centring on non-White women being consciously or unconsciously obsessed with finding love/sexual gratification/social elevation with White men should be comic tragedies, not ‘biting satires’. To want to couple with a White person because of their character and accomplishments, and your mutual compatibility, is an intelligent decision. To want to couple with a White person because of their racial prestige (inherited from 500 years of indigenous genocide, slavery, militarised colonial conquest and racialised global exploitation) is not just immoral and often unfair to the White person in question, it is stupid. The Protagonist and her sort (young, ambitious, straight, privileged, non-White, female) are trying very hard to commit their youth, beauty, fertility, maternity (and whatever intelligence and status they have) to a delusion. They are building castles out of soft serve and will be left with a sticky, soggy mess.

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You're definitely on point. But I also think that writers like Sheena Patel are necessary to counterbalance—and even destroy—the self-serving myth that culture-class POC have built up about themselves and their relationships with white people. If we jumped straight ahead to stories of POC love and self-acceptance, then we would be inadvertently endorsing those previous narratives. A misconstructed base has to be totally cleared before something new can be built on the same location.

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Thanks so much for the shout-out, Chris!

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You're welcome, Mikala!

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The older pagan sexual mores were much more conducive to the health of Nordic-Scandinavian societies and much more supportive of women than those of the Jewish god Yahweh, the locust master who drowned the world and demanded that a witch be burned alive, or an adulteress is stoned to death . . .

Monogamy is an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to establish vicarious liabilities in secular law, control monarchical succession, and establish ecclesiastical control over white female reproduction and individual white male posterity . . . All men are born of a woman, married or not.

All of this destructive Jewish propaganda in Hollywood and destructive Jewish religious practices brought to the West via Christianity arose from their desire to destroy the white race.


Heinrich Himmler on How Bolshevik Christianity Spreads Homosexuality and Hatred of Women . . .


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Thanks for sharing these excellent reviews with insightful analysis. Is it more difficult or less to understand the nuances of the contemporary problems we inhabit?

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It's probably very narcissistic to believe we live in the most difficult and confusing times, but information overload is something unprecedented in our era, so there are definitely reasons why it could be more difficult to understand the nuances of the contemporary problems.

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What’s crazy is the amount of negative reviews this book is getting on Goodreads because people think the protagonist is someone you’re supposed to root for and/or a mouthpiece for the author’s own views. But then again, how can you ever tell?

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I just took a look and was pleasantly surprised that more of the top reviews were positive than I expected. Also, your comment was very timely because I just realized the plot of this novel is very similar to what's happening in the Andrew Huberman thing lol.

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