Aug 1, 2023Liked by Chris Jesu Lee

Great piece. Glad that you mentioned the Atlanta spa shootings, which gets repeatedly mentioned as THE example of horrific anti-Asian hate, and maybe that’s fair. What I very rarely see mentioned was the official law enforcement response to it. I was living in Atlanta at the time of the shootings, and it was a HUGE deal- TV and radio broke into their programming to report on it and a massive manhunt was launched almost immediately. The perpetrator was, in fact, caught the very same day, and the district attorney immediately held a press conference to announce her intention to seek the death penalty for him. Pretty different from San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin making excuses for a perp caught on tape murdering an elderly Asian man: https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/family-of-84-year-old-man-killed-in-san-francisco-upset-with-district-attorney/2484573/

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Asians are victims when it comes time to organize Asian voters and donors for Team D.

Asians are "white-adjacent" when it becomes necessary to organize and focus other groups' outrage.

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Chris Jesu Lee

Hey Chris, was nice meeting up with you last week. Wish I could have spent more time with you if my decision to overeat at a cheap restaurant on a hot night hadn't been incredibly ill-advised.

Also wish I could have been in NYC for the premiere, the event looks amazing. I checked out the link on youtube and it was a well spent ten minutes of my life. Unfortunate I'll be moving to Chicago soon...but maybe there could be an opportunity to do something similar there.

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Likewise! I'm sure there'll be some hangout in August and I'll be sure to invite you.

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Tremendous post. Thank you for amplifying the work of DCC; and, bringing more attention to how victimhood has been monopolized by progressives, who do their best to rewrite the increase of violence targeting Asians by concealing the identity of most perpetrators.

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Dec 30, 2023·edited Dec 30, 2023

Spitting facts as always. Sending cheers for all evolutions of Plan A. So happy on a personal note of fulfillment for you Chris, sounds like you've found a community and hub to motivate more writings ... great deal for us :)

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